Main Page

An alternative space dedicated to technology and culture at Charleroi.
Révision datée du 7 juillet 2011 à 16:24 par Dereckson (discussion | contributions) (New blocks on home page: tech circles/open)
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Welcome to the Wolfplex wiki.
An alternative space dedicated to technology and culture at Charleroi.

 Wolfplex Hackerspace
 Wolfplex Art
 The Wolfplex meta project

 Continuer en français
 Address & useful information

Wolfplex ? What is it ?

Charleroi is a post-industrial city in Belgium, the largest in Wallonia. At the hearth of the town, Wolfplex is a collection of projects mixing people, creative energies, projects and a new approach to the society.

Wolfplex Hackerspace

Dedicated to software development, electronics, robotics and digital arts.

Our hackerspace is open to all people who wish to share and increase his or her knowledge.

Join the project

You wish to join the project?
Welcome to Wolfplex! We're open to everybody, on a participatory basis.
You wish to meet other members?
The most used communication way is our IRC channel (text-based chat), #wolfplex. You can use this [webchat] to quickly join us.
You can also send us a mail to or fill this form.
You wish to join or create a workgroup?
Workgroups are groups meeting together regularly to share kwowledge and learn together a technology.
Active groupes are Arduino, PHP and UNIX server administration. Python and C workgroups are building.
You wish to give a workshop or a talk?
You're most welcome to. Announce it to the next tech circle and add it to the events calendar.
What are the last news?
Read Bulletin:Main or Hackerspace status.

Are we open?

The hackerspace is currently CLOSED.

Come the Tuesdays evening

Every Tuesday evening from 7pm, we've our weekly social and tech meeting.

If you wish to discover the hackerspace, meet like-minded people, get help to solve a problem, drink a beer or a Club Mate, you're welcome.


Samedi 2023-07-22
(fr) Assemblée générale
(en) Ordinary general meeting
Vendredi 2023-06-02
(fr) Nasqueron :: Brainstorming pour les fonctionnalités de ServPulse (22:00 CEST)
(en) Nasqueron :: Brainstorming for ServPulse features (22:00 CEST)

Nasqueron office hours

The Nasqueron projects have office hours on Jitsi every Monday at 20:00 UTC / 22:00 CEST / 13:00 PT / 16:00 ET.

Current on-topic discussions are ServPulse development, server infrastructure changes.


Next ordinary general meeting will be soon, see the bulletin to establish the agenda.

Une AG est en cours de préparation, voir le bulletin pour établir l'ordre du jour.


[ Contact | Liens | Resources | Payments ]

[ Ideas | Workshops | Workgroups | Projects ]

Our members are working on Grip, BrainLED, Edwarf & Le Mag.

Our new welcome page is currently under evaluation. Your avis is welcome.

Responsible publisher: Wolfplex Hackerspace ASBL, rue de la Science 14, 6000 Charleroi, BE 0835 897 795.